Wait, wait mister postman
Mister postman look and see
If there's some books in your bag for me.
I didn't actually sing it to him, as I wasn't home when he came round. The man fitting a new fuse box was however and accepted the parcel with books I ordered on Tuesday. Unbelievable. They were shipped from Charleroi to Brussels. I could track the package up to Brussels where it arrived at 3.03 pm.
And then it took another 3 (!) entire days to get from Brussels to here.
Needless to mention it ended up in the b-post distribution system. Maybe the ponies pulling the van went on strike or something.
Also the first professor to actually include photography as an art form has recommended this one as a starter book: Photography. A Concise History by Ian Jeffrey.
I'll plunge right into the reading. Next to my lovely hot stove. I fired the thing up this morning, as the electricity has been cut off for the fuse box thing so I don't have any heating during the day. Mouser is also right next to the Franco Belge. The weather still hasn't decided if it wants to turn into spring or remain winter.