

I missed it on wednesday but the Swiss king of cacao has expired.

Stuck in my mind because of this:
'Spruengli hit the headlines in 1992 when he divorced Elisabeth, his wife of 45 years' standing, and announced his plans to marry his 44-year-old personnel adviser, Alexandra Gantenbein, who acknowledged being a member of an obscure American sect. The news was accompanied by a flurry of rumors that Gantenbein had a shady past and was only interested in the inheritance.
Spruengli called off the wedding at the last minute and hired an independent agency to establish whether the company had been infiltrated with sect followers. Gantenbein was subsequently cleared and the couple promptly married - to the amazement and fury of company director Ulrich Geissmann, who quit alongside other senior executives.'

Expatica Switserland has the full story.

Nothing compares to a good sceptic doing the research first before drawing the conclusions.

1 comment:

(sd) said...

Since I suspect that it wasn't a sect promoting the eating of chocolate, it was a good thing that the company was thouroughly screened. Sects are, along with clairvoyants, cardreaders and other belonies, a real pest nowadays.