
Food Porn

To enter the Mandarine Napoléon website,
you must be of legal drinking age
in your country of residence.

Why? Is this considered food porn? Can I get drunk just by looking at the pictures? If you don't agree, you get a nice empty google search page, if you agree, you get to see the index page. . This is just too silly for words. There are probably some binding laws the company needs to abide by. But having this sort of 'disclaimer' is, in my opinion, just a tad silly. But not nearly as silly as covering up ancient mummies. But close.

1 comment:

shrink said...

it looks funny to me...
maybe it's just a gag, suggesting that looking at the website is an experience that is just like drinking the stuff? (there can't be a law forbidding minors to look at pics of alcohol, no?)